Ten winners will walk away with this package worth thousands of dollars. All they have to do is to complete 3 simple steps by guessing the value of this Biggest Firesale package.Give this a shot.
Biggest Firesale In Internet Marketing
In Biggest firesale, In vince tanSunday, October 26, 2008
Ten winners will walk away with this package worth thousands of dollars. All they have to do is to complete 3 simple steps by guessing the value of this Biggest Firesale package.Give this a shot.
Traffic Exchanges
In free traffic, In mlm, In traffic exchangeMonday, September 29, 2008
The traffic you get will be largely untargeted, but as a source of additional traffic should you consider it? You should go to Internet Marketer's Club and download the reports on Traffic Exchanges, then you can make your own decision.
Surprisingly, traffic exchanges is MLM in that you only explode your income when you grow your downlines. Like all MLM, the marketing system they use is very effective. In some ways, MLM is a little like affiliate marketing. By which I mean you build a list, and you refer a product or service to your subscribers. Potentially, traffic exchanges allows you to get a lot of exposure for your website. In truth, I did not think that it is very effective. Most members will be surfing for credits, and will not pay very much attention to your webpage. Even if you use a splash page, repsonse will be minimal. I have a text ad which was shown 2000 plus impressions, and I got one click out of that. For banners, zero clicks so far from 2000 plus impressions.
I wonder if being in a traffic exchange will improve you Search Engine Results, or help you rank in Alexa.
Still, they are very many people who are keen to join MLM. Just remember that traffic exchanges isn't free, you still have to invest your time and effort. At least an hour every day in order to earn enough credits to get your webiste shown.
If you are interested in traffic exchanges, these are the better ones:
> Dragon Surf
> I Love Hits
> Advertising Know How
> Traffic Splash
> Start Xchange
The reason I list these 5 exchanges is because you can surf all 5 exchanges at the same time and get additional credits. They have additional promotions and contests for extra credits almost on a daily basis.
Here are some resources that helps you figure what traffic exchanges are and how they work. Like I said, it's also MLM and to grow your business, it has to be more than free traffic.
> Affiliate Funnel
> IM Success Formula
> Home Income Team
As a starting point, this site is very helpful, lots of resources, tutorials and articles.
> http://www.easy-viral-traffic.com/
I also have some free ebooks for you at Internet Marketer's Club.
Retail Marketing Blog
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Yet, I find it so rewarding. No because you're the man, but because there is some much you can do for so many people. When you focus on people, you can help them save money, provide their daily necessities, create some excitement for them, even entertain them. You also provide a career for your people, and when you give them a mission, it brings meaning to their life. They are working to create something that is bigger than themselves.
Retailing is about people. Yes, it's very competitive, and you fight for every dollar sales you get. It's being a hard-nosed businessman. But it's also about the soft touch. A friendly word, a little encouragement, these go a long way.
Search Engine Results
In Internet Marketer's Club, In search engine resultsSunday, August 24, 2008
- Google - #2 on page 1
- Yahoo - #1 on page 1
On another note, on Saturday, our #1 local newspaper wrote an article about bloggers in Sabah. Apparently, there was an gathering of about 200 bloggers from all over the state. I didn't hear about it until I saw the papers. Much as I enjoy hearing about local bloggers, I don't see the point of having an off-line club or assoication of bloggers. But I did manage to contact 2 of the organisers, if this goes ahead, I might sign up. I think more people involved on the internet the better.
In ezine, In ezinearticles, In writing articlesFriday, August 15, 2008
This is nice, to be recognised. I wonder if people will actually read my articles. Can the articles still be found over time? There are probably hundreds of thousands of articles by tens of thousands of authors. Not to mention so many niches.
Still this has been a venue that hundreds of people use to achieve success. I'll take all the help I can get. I found something interesting at the ezine forum. Check out Todaybooks.com, you can buy books online, or you can sell your books. That is, you submit your finished book to them, they will feature and market your book for you. This site has got a good page rank, and you don't have to market and sell your book.
The downside is that you only get about 20% of the sale price. Which isn't a lot since the highest sale price was $10, and books usually go for $5. Not a lot considering the effort you put in, but having someone to do the marketing side of things might be a factor.
Still, this seems like a viable alternative, if you only want to write.
In auto-responder, In traffic, In writing articlesWednesday, August 13, 2008
Now I need to work on traffic building through search engines and directories. But at the rate this is going, I might just do a blitz with PPC. That will have to wait until I install my auto-responder.
I still haven't gotten my auto-responder yet, installing it will probably be trial and error time again. It's pretty amazing how I'm just doing everything this way. The guys I signed up my web hosting already had to come and save the day once already. Since this is only the 2nd month I've ever tried to build a site or even touched a cpanel, that's not too bad.
Right, this month's objective is to build traffic.
In desparate buyers, In kidino, In money makingThursday, August 7, 2008
This highly informative report is actually a case study on how Kidino promoted "Desperate Buyers Only" by Alexis Davis. You seldom see case studies in internet marketing, even if you were to buy a internet marketing guru's books. So I am pleased that Kidino revealed so much. I have spent most of my career in management, and case studies is just about the best way to study any topics.
This is a free report at http://MoneyClicking.net.
Here are his tips on the things you should consider before promoting any product:
1) Who is the product for? Who is the target market?
2) How to find a different angle? How to find yours?
3) Building your Landing Page.
4) Presenting the offer.
5) The auto-responder message.
6) Getting traffic and creating ads.
7) How you can improve your stats.
Not only does he show you the auto-responder e-mails that he used, he included his adwords campaign. He takes you through the entire process from the start of the program, and let's you understand the rationale in the process.
Blog Review
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I've been looking at this blog, and I'm sorry to say that it looks horrible. Even my postings don't make sense. So I'll have to be more focused henceforth. Frankly, I would just like to start over.
For starters, I've seen some really killer themes in blogger. I wonder how they do it. I see the same thing in wordpress. I think you have to know how to do CSS, which frankly is beyond me... at the moment.
Working at home is great! But you do need to keep at eye on the time. I can spend hours on the internet, the next thing you know the sun's gone done. I just have to get out more, make more appointments, have lunch with friends. The downside is I have to spend my time explaining what it is that I do. Everyone thinks that having a website is it. Wished it was that simple.
Super Affiliate Pro
In blog, In super affiliate, In wordpressTuesday, August 5, 2008
Building Your Pages
- You can build normal blog page or use a static page for your home page.
- You can build landing pages that does not show up on the navigation bar.
- You can also choose to build your exit pages.
Affiliate Link Management and Cloaking System
The Super Affiliate Pro enables you to track every affiliate link and monitors the results you get to see what works. You can get as many affiliate links as you want, and cloak your links by using the CUTE LINKS plug-in. Not only does your links look good, you can prevent affiliate theft by link cloaking.
Opt-In Form Manager
Easily add Opt-In forms into your blog and landing pages. Easy to use and enables you to start building your list right now.
Comes within 217 pages manual that is your complete internet marketing solution. It covers:
- Building your wordpress blog
- On-Site/Off-Site Search Engine Optimization
- Affiliate Marketing
- Landing pages for PPC traffic
- Tracking & Cloaking your affiliate links
- Building a massive opt-in list
- Building niche blog content
- Building massive traffic
- Social bookmarking
Included in the Super Affiliate Pro wordpress system is the Super Affiliate Blueprint. A 7-Day step by step action plan to create your first wordpress blog and earn your first affiliate check. This is a complete plug-in and use system can transform you into a Super Affiliate Blogger.
My First Article Submission
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Foremost, it is my hope to generate traffic to my website, www.fromadrianlee.com. Secondly, it is to find out if what I have written is good enough to get published. And hopefully, is picked up by readers.
Writing the article didn't take long, I had a reference to give me an idea of what I wanted to write about. I can honestly say I did not rip it off anybody. I wrote a draft, and changed a couple of lines and that was it.
Creating an account was easy. Although, just before I went to Ezine, I watched a video on article submission which I got from Ewen Chia. The tutorial was spot on, I submitted without any problems. Nomally, I tend to fool around finding out how things work. Tutorial videos work, you just got to sit through it.
Make Money Review
Saturday, July 19, 2008
- It looks good and it's fast to set up.
- All products are guaranteed.
- It gives you time to just focus on marketing it.
My First Web Hosting
In domain, In web hostingFriday, July 11, 2008
I chose to go with EcommerceMastery.com (www.ecommercemastery.com), see the link at the right sidebar.
- They are a malaysian company, so the set-up cost works in my favour.
- Their rates are really nice, check it yourself.
- Their response time is 1 working day, and they do get back within that time. But sometimes it seems that my problems only happen on friday nights or over the weekend. Than I have to wait till monday before I can do anything.
- Their Cpanel has Fantastico. That really helps especially if you are a newbie. Basically, you just click on what you want and installation is pretty automated.
- The people at this company seems friendly and helpful. There's also an office number you can call during office hours.
I've set up a wordpress blog on my site at www.fromadrianlee.com. It's relatively easy, there are tons of themes, widgets and plugins you can use. The settings are quite straight forward, but do read the tutorials or an e-book on wordpress. It helps a lot. Like everything else, simple is relative. There is a learning curve, but it's not that bad. Stick with it and you're do fine. This is the fastest way to get your own website up and running, if you are a beginner.
Mini Sites Profits Exposed!
In Mini sitesWednesday, June 25, 2008
What is a mini site? Keep reading.... and go to the URL below if you really want to know more.
The thing about mini sites is that they are the fastest and easiest way to increase your income online. They don't require a lot of time, energy, or money to set up, and once you've got one up and running, you can see the increase in your sales.
It takes a bit of knowledge, and a little guidance from your mentor.
Here's what this is all about: Michael Rasmussen has just released a brand new video course that will walk you through the process of creating a killer mini site from the ground up, and then he'll also teach you how to actually start making money with it right away. I figured these instructions are as clear and simple as it can get.
If you've been looking for help with monetizing your mini sites, then this is exactly what you need. The best part? The videos are FREE!
Now, let's talk about the videos themselves. Fast loading time, great sound quality. Content? Everything you need to know to get started. I've watched his videos more than once.
The Internet Millionaires Club
Monday, June 9, 2008
This was what really drove me to be involved in internet marketing.
1) This proved that they are people doing this in Malaysia, and was successful in internet marketing. Not just in Malaysia, but in the worldwide market.
It is possible to sell to a worldwide market as long as your products answered a need, and you knew how to market your product.
2) The interviews (audio & video) with other internet marketing gurus started my education, and gave me a clearer view on how this business worked.
3) Access to products you can sell, affiliate area, information you get forums, blog and e-mails.
Free Membership - Operation BlackBox
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Register as a Charter Member, and you're good to go. Click on Charter Member Downloads, and happy reading.
Now, Sean Wu is the author of 'Tag and Ping', which is just a little too advanced for me. But no matter, that's not why you should go there. It's the other products that he lays out for you.
Step 1: Laying the foundation.
Step 2: Explode your income.
Step 3: TurboCharge your traffic.
Step 4: Create your own products.
Step 5: Add video content.
Step 6: Add audio content.
Step 7: Recreate affiliates.
Step 8: Build a strong foundation.
Step 9: Enjoy your new riches.
You'll find useful tools and lots of resources for your internet marketing venture.
Membership Levels
1) Charter Member
2) Silver Member
3) Gold Member
Internet Marketing For A Beginner
Thursday, June 5, 2008
a) Join a membership site. Most sites offer free membership, but you can upgrade your membership to get more resources. For a newbie, this is the fastest to load up on what you need to know. Download the articles, read the ebooks, absorb all you can.
b) Check the Blogs. There are a lot of really useful tips you can pick up. It is worth the time to research your interests. This will help you to select the niche you want to be in.
c) Sign up for ezines. Another good source of tips and information. Just sign up and you can select those that interest you. At this stage, get to know the various methods and system that can work for you.
Right, I tell you how I went on to select my business model next.