The more you get into blogging or internet marketing, you will soon realise that getting your own website is the way to go. There are plenty of options available, and they are relatively low priced. Certainly, the start-up cost of your own domain name and hosting is a lot less than any off-line business venture.
I chose to go with (, see the link at the right sidebar.
I chose to go with (, see the link at the right sidebar.
- They are a malaysian company, so the set-up cost works in my favour.
- Their rates are really nice, check it yourself.
- Their response time is 1 working day, and they do get back within that time. But sometimes it seems that my problems only happen on friday nights or over the weekend. Than I have to wait till monday before I can do anything.
- Their Cpanel has Fantastico. That really helps especially if you are a newbie. Basically, you just click on what you want and installation is pretty automated.
- The people at this company seems friendly and helpful. There's also an office number you can call during office hours.
Register your domain name, select your web hosting package, and you are all set to start your own internet marketing venture.
I've set up a wordpress blog on my site at It's relatively easy, there are tons of themes, widgets and plugins you can use. The settings are quite straight forward, but do read the tutorials or an e-book on wordpress. It helps a lot. Like everything else, simple is relative. There is a learning curve, but it's not that bad. Stick with it and you're do fine. This is the fastest way to get your own website up and running, if you are a beginner.
I've set up a wordpress blog on my site at It's relatively easy, there are tons of themes, widgets and plugins you can use. The settings are quite straight forward, but do read the tutorials or an e-book on wordpress. It helps a lot. Like everything else, simple is relative. There is a learning curve, but it's not that bad. Stick with it and you're do fine. This is the fastest way to get your own website up and running, if you are a beginner.
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