If you have ever thought about starting your own internet business at some stage, a giveaway is a good place to see how it is done. It is also a good place to pick up some freebies you can use. Although the quality of the giveaway varies, there are some that is worth joining. The IM Success Giveaway runs in July 2011.
Technically, starting an online business only requires a broadband connection and a computer. Realistically, it takes more than that. Nothing is ever as simple as it sounds, right? You need to be focused and it does take some planning as well. It will definitely require quite a bit of learning. Oh, and forget about push button software, the magic button does not exist.
IM Success Giveaway 2011
You can check out the IM Success Giveaway. At the time of writing this, the IM Success Giveaway will run for 8 more days. A Giveaway event is a great way to launch your online business.
Here's how they work:
- A host sets up and advertises a Giveway event - in this case the host's names are Paul Teague and David Walker.
- Existing Internet Marketers sign up and add their 'gifts' to the Giveaway ... these are usually e-books, software packages, audios or videos.
- When the Giveaway opens, members (like you) sign up and get access for free
- The gifts are available free of charge to regular members, all they have to do is sign up to a Marketer's mailing list to gain access
- As well as getting some high quality training materials, members also get to make connections with established marketers who can guide them to web success.
If you have ever thought about starting your own online business, now is a good time to start.
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