Everybody in Internet marketing agrees that 'the money is in the list'.
From day one, you need to be capturing leads and then communicating with your sign-ups effectively.
In fact, the list building is almost more important that the website ... and you don't actually have to own a website to start this essential process.
A well-established way of list building is the Joint Venture Giveaway, and you can see one that I'm currently involved with here:
Giveaways dominate in the Internet Marketing niche, but also flourish in other popular niches like Health and MLM/Network Marketing.
In this case, the Giveaway is concentrating on video training resources.
The basic process is this:
# A hosts sets up and advertises a JV Giveway event
# Contributors sign up and add their 'gifts' to the website ... these are usually e-books, software packages, audios or videos
# These gifts are usually offered free of charge, but members have to sign up to the contributor's email list in order to receive their gift ... hence this is a 'list building exercise' for contributors
# After a pre-determined period of contributors adding gifts to the site, the doors open, and members can sign up and see what's on offer
# Usually it's a downloading frenzy, a trolley dash where you can download e-products for free ... and many of them can be resold for profit
# Members are encouraged to promote the JV Giveaway, and incentives are usually given to encourage this
# Credits or commissions are usually awarded for referring people and possibly downgrade penalties if nobody is referred.
Many people sign up to Giveaway events just to help themselves to freebies, and there is nothing wrong with this.
If people didn't do this, the marketers would not generate any new leads ... so a Giveaway thrives on its 'freebie seekers'.
However, there is no better place to be - if you're serious about your online business and your list building - than at the front of the queue ... and that means being a contributor and taking an active part in a Giveaway.
For first-timers, it's best to take a free listing ... most, if not all Giveaway events, offer a free listing option.
There's a 'Newbies Bootcamp' which shows you exactly how to create a first listing at absolutely no cost to you whatsoever ... and challeges you to sign up your first 10 referrals to convince yourself that this process really works.
Once you're convinced about the process, having ventured nothing but your time, you can start to get really involved and get the additional benefits of taking an upgrade.
When you do this, you get text adverts and One Time Offers, as well as the ability to list more of your products.
Most Giveaways are so reasonably priced, you only have to sell one of your One Time Offers and you'll have earned your fee back.
So, what are you waiting for?
Whatever niche you're in, there's bound to be a benefit in taking part in these Giveaway events.
Sign-up right now, Giveaways really are the place to be if you want to build a list fast.
I hope to see your name at the top of the leader board at
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